"All your husband's problems are the first symptom of a parasitic infection. When infected by parasites, the body begins to slowly collapse, at first it is not clear, then it is clear. It all starts with bad breath in the mouth, flatulence, depression, headache, dark circles under the eyes, poor appetite, joint and muscle pain. For men, parasites cause prostatitis, impotence, dysfunction heart and liver disease. For women, parasites cause vaginitis, ovary swelling, urocystitis, ovarian fibroids development, polycystic ovary tumors, swelling of the kidneys, urinary tract and kidneys and also skin aging. For children, parasites cause acnes, eyes are always watery. Mostly ignoring such mild symptoms lead to the rotting internal organs leading to death".
850,000 people in Philippines die each year without realizing that the cause of their death is parasites. Invisible killers are everywhere, in fish, meat, water, vegetables, fruits that people buy in supermarkets or markets.